Sunday, October 1, 2017

Vote of thanks in a inaugural function

Honorable  Principal, Respected  Director/ Department of MCA, Faculty  of MCA, supporting staff , parents  and my dear students ,  Good Morning to all.

Thanks giving is a wonderful experience. it gives a great pleasure to each and everyone  who made this function to a  great success.  I  have the pleasant task of delivering Vote of Thanks to thank  each one of them  on behalf of our department.

 First of all, I wish to thank our management  who always  provides a full support  to all   the activities of our department..

Next , I would like to express   my thanks to our Principal Dr.xxxx for felicitating this inaugural function, despite his busy schedule.

I extend my sincere gratitude to,Director  of our department for motivating us in all our endeavours.   

Our department have been fortunate enough to be backed by a team of very  dedicated  faculty and support staff.  I  thank everyone of them   for the involvement they have shown for the success of this inaugural function.

I express special thanks to the parents who have come from different destinations
For attending  this inaugural function. We assure that the dream and passion of your children will definitely come true. Thanks to each and every parents once again.

Last , but not least  I  thank our Direct second year  students  for attending this inauguaral function.

Thank you once again.